A step by step Guide on Drafting A Caveat In Tanzania.

What is Caveat?

Caveat in land refers as warning which registered in land registry to notify intended buyer or any financial institution as A have interest in land Registered in B name.

Here example on how to draft A Caveat in land registry so as to protect tour interest in land.

(SECTION 78(1)

TITLE NO. ………..
L.O. NO. ………..
PLOT NO. ….. BLOCK ‘….’

I, …………………. of P. O. Box………………..;………………….
CLAIM an interest in the land registered under the above reference and REQUIRE a Caveat to be entered against the estate registered in the name of ……………… of P. O. Box …………………;
I do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:

  1. ………………………………………………….
  2. …………………………………………………..
    That I therefore strongly believe that if a caveat is not entered against the above mentioned estate, the said property will be disposed of, mortgaged or transacted in any manner as such I will be deprived of the same in that I will have to suffer enormous loss.

I, …………………., do make this declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and in accordance with the provisions of the Oaths (Judicial Proceedings) and Statutory Declarations Act, [CAP 34.RE.2019]
DECLARED by……………….. )
………………………. At……. )
……………who is personally know ) ………………………….
To me /has been identified to me ) DEPONENT
this ……….day of ………… . )
Name: ……………………….
Signature: ……………………….
Address: ……………………….
Qualification: ……………………….